Oil palm belongs to palmaceous plant; its main producing area distributes tropic area between the south latitude 5~10°and the north latitude 5~10°near the equator; It is a kind of important tropic oilseed plant. Rate of Oil in oil palm is very high in oil palm: common fresh fruit flesh :46~50% , palm kernel :50~55%. Oil palm begins to bear fruits about two years and a half after being transplanted. Firstly, the output is very low, 8~15years is blooming time and output reach maximum; it gradually aging when it grows over 20 years; its growth period is 25~30years. Per-hectare land should plant about 140-palm tree in general, annual output is about 20T fresh fruit bunches; after being processed, about percentage 20 is crude palm oil and percentage 20 is kernel.
When processing 1T fresh fruit, estimate consumption of electric power is 25KW.h, steam consumption is 0.5T, and water consumption is 1T; at the same time, 0.5T wastewater should produce.
Main equipment for this plant including: fruit reception system, sterilizer system, threshing system, pressing system, fiber cake keneral shell separation system, oil filtering system.
Request for raw material disposal
Design principle for equipment disposal amount: Per-hectare palm tree can produce 20T fresh palm fruits annually, percentage 12.5 of orchard output are defined maximum consumption of raw material each month; furthermore producing time should be calculated according 25days each month, work time should be 20 hours one day.
For example, equipment disposal amount for 2000 hectares orchard as follow:
There is fat decomposed enzyme that can hydrolyze oil and fat in palm fruit flesh. Placement time for fresh fruit bunches should not exceed 12 hours after it being harvested, otherwise acid value will increase rapidly and badly affect the quality of palm oil.
Select the site of factory:
When selecting the site of factory, several factors should be synthetically taken into account.
Raw material transportation charge, most ideal site of factory should be the center of plant area.
Product transportation charge, this depends on the distance between the site of factory and nearest main line.
There should be adequate water source near the factory area.
Geography status: if land undulates and need excavation and piling, it is not fit for building factory.